It’s Coming Up Daisies! 🌼

Breaking New Ground

In Montreal we are covered in snow but the light is energizing. I can feel Spring coming. Soon enough the flowers will begin their rise through the earth into the light, and we will open our petals and feel lighter. I cannot wait to see that first pop of colour after weighted blankets of white have melted away. 

Speaking of flowers, my cousin asked me to design a daisy charm for her daughter’s 21st birthday, for her “little wildflower”. I had so much fun drawing this daisy and seeing it come to life. What a beautiful time of year to share this nod to our roots, our mothers and Spring flowers, as they break ground and begin their ascent towards the sun. This necklace or earring charm is the perfect floral wink to new beginnings. 2025 holds an exciting promise of new and wonderful dreams coming into fruition don’t you think?

My hope is that this daisy charm becomes a part of your daily jewellery garden. That as you get dressed and place it on, you are reminded of hope, light, rebirth… and all the possible flowers you can sprout in this lifetime. Never forget your inner wildflower and all the dreams that can be birthed as you pluck all of life’s possibilities from the universe.




Last weekend I visited my Ride or Die in Winnipeg and we had a much needed, rich and nourishing blast. Most memorable, was the exhibit Motherground by artist Dominique Rey, a groundbreaking meditation on Motherhood. I sobbed as I walked through this deeply personal love letter to mothers who house our babies and then put our hearts out into the world. I have never felt so seen, so vulnerable, so ripped open. You can read more about it and watch a preview of the video here.



Pisces: February 19–March 20 

They are here to stand in love. Like Mother Theresa, they want to help everyone who needs it. They can be sensitive and self-isolating. A fire sign, they may struggle with addiction and depression. But at the soul level, these remarkable beings are the artists and the dreamers. We need them to dream a new dream into existence! Think: Rihanna, Drew Barrymore and Simone Biles. 



Originally shared February 8, 2025

These are the good days. That’s what I remind myself when I’m scraping snow off my car as I am running late and battling a cold. These are the good days. That’s what I remind myself when a migraine hits and my husband nurses me through. These are the good days I remind myself when I laugh with a friend, or book a trip to see my Ride or Die (!!!). 

These are the good days, even if it may not feel like it all the time.

I can handle almost anything if I feel true connection. Sometimes that’s with my husband and other times it’s with my girlfriends, whether I get to see them often or not. Nothing binds a friendship like a good gif exchange, am I right?

Having them fills me with gratitude. As I select my jewellery for the day, sometimes I choose words to build me up, but many times, I chose the pieces that remind me of them. 

As I place a heart around my neck, I channel their memories and I am reminded of their Love, IRL.

Happy Valentine’s Day!




These are my mother’s hands. Aren’t they beautiful? They make me think about the generations of Lucky Bitches flowing through our veins. Aren’t we Lucky Bitches at any stage?!


We have your self-expression needs covered with our *NEW* OFF ring. There’s no better way to give the finger, literally.

Love is a Boomerang!

Originally shared January 25 2025

Love. It Starts with You, To You 💫

Deep breathe. We made it through Blue Monday, the hardest day of the year. Woot woot! As we approach Valentine’s Day, I can’t help but think about how the world needs love… and lots of it! I think about how what we put out into the world comes back to us. The love we give to our family, friends and our communities always comes back in some shape or form. Oftentimes in a way we didn’t expect, and maybe we miss it, or dismiss it. What signs of love have you noticed coming your way unexpectedly? I noticed a heart drawn on a car window the other day during a particularly challenging moment and it felt like a sign of hope. “Hang in there! You are loved!” the snow heart said to me.

For me, it starts every day with choosing the jewellery I put on. Each piece is chosen carefully based on what I need to be reminded of. LoveHope. If I’m feeling Work in Process vibes, or gratitude — then I put on my Lucky Bitch ring! Each piece of jewellery is a love letter to myself. To have empathy. To send myself love. Because when I shower myself with love, hope, and empathy; I have more of it to give. 

Every piece of LITZI jewelry I design, is made with this in mind. That what you give yourself is what you have to give. Love is a boomerang. I hope that this Valentine’s Day you think of yourself, that you commit to giving yourself love (and a little bling!) because it all starts with you. What message do you want to send yourself?

Sending you love,





Aquarius: January 20th to February 18th

She is the water bearer. She is intelligent, creative and unique. An air sign, she is forward thinking, rational, communicative and a natural leader who inspires others. Aquarius babies can seem distant and may struggle when expressing emotion. They can seem to be the lone wolf, but at the soul level, they pour light like water forth to those who thirst. Aquarians share the water, and when connected these beautiful souls thrive in community. Think: Chloë Grace Moretz, Harry Styles and Alicia Keyes. 

from CA$95.00

Soft Launching 2025 ❤️


Originally shared January 11, 2025

Happy New Year everyone! 

Anyone else still recovering from 2024, from all the hustle that took?! Before I make new plans, I feel the need to rest and reflect. I read something great online that said that hundreds of years ago, the New Year used to begin in Spring. That makes sooooo much more sense to me. Why would I force myself into massive action now when the trees are at rest from blooming? When the flowers lie silent in the earth? When even the soil is still sleeping?! This is a time to rest. Contemplate. Live slowly. I’m taking it slow and I hope you are too.

If I have any wish for 2025, it’s that I get to keep celebrating all the feels with you. That I keep having the joy of being a gift under a tree, a token of celebration for your engagement, a wink at your daughter’s graduation, a smile-inducing treat at your niece’s birthday and a hug maker as you mark an anniversary with your partner. I do what I do because I love being a part of your life milestones.

What you may not realize, is that you are all a deep part of my life. Your big moments are, in a small way, mine too. Talking with you, planning your surprises, designing your pieces; all fill my life with immense satisfaction. I am so grateful for that.

And so, as we slowly reintroduce ourselves to a new year, re-entering reality after time with our families, may we keep taking those sweet moments to reflect on what Lucky Bitches we are to have each other.

Best wishes,



Open Heart Jewellery

Originally shared November 16, 2024

Everywhere I go, I hear people saying they put their tree up early. People need joy and sparkle with everything going on. Life is beautiful, and it’s a struggle. It’s got moments of magic and days that drag. It can change in an instant, for better or for worse. I shared this video of me at the park on Monday because it’s what I needed. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to post such a private moment, but after some reflection, I decided that if it makes one person feel seen; than it’s worth it. We can’t be all sparkle, all the time. That’s jewellery’s job! 

LITZI is about expressing all the feels, even the vulnerable ones. Your WIP days, the days you need Empathy, the days when you are bouncing from the rooftops in love! Or so profoundly proud of your daughter as she celebrates her sweet 16 with her crew. (Where does the time go?) Ultimately, I shared the video because I trust that there is nothing more beautiful than a glimmering, beating open heart. I hope the video gives you comfort as it did for me. The gentle reminder to take life one day at a time. One stitch at a time. One facet at a time. 

The Moissanite Heart Pendant

Um – speaking of sparkle and facets…DRUM ROLL… I am so excited to roll out a NEW pendant! Meet the newest member of the moissanite heart family! The CladdaghThe Heart Ring and The Heart Studs all shimmer with love, and now I am thrilled to share The Heart Pendant. Our 8 mm glittering stone is as multi-faceted as you. Gift it to your loved one, or to yourself. One for you, one for me – am I right? LITZI meets you where you are! 

I wanted to design a heart-stopping modern statement piece, so I adorned this gem with a sleek setting. LITZI is fine jewellery with a fresh edge after all! I hope you get stunned by this one and show how much you cherish your peeps. Because when all else fails, nothing is more uplifting than a dazzling open heart.




We are always touched by your generous love letters. Helping you celebrate big milestones is why we do what we do. Please keep sharing your LITZI stories!


…with the pearl earring? Or pendant?

FYI! Digital gift cards are available here!

Treat Your Friends Like The Stars They Are ✨



I am already busy packing holiday gifts for all of you organized early birds. Every year I say to myself, “Next year, I will be on the ball. I will shop early. I will start shopping in September so that by the time I’m trimming the tree, all my presents are wrapped and ready to gift!”

But alas, *spoiler alert* the clocks are going back an hour tomorrow and I haven’t even started thinking about what I will gift my loved ones. All I know is; as the holidays roll in, I could use a day in bed! So, if I feel that way, maybe some of you do too. My mission today is to help you get organized. I am bringing you some fun gift ideas, so that by the holidays, you are calmly sipping your coffee like a smug early bird and not frazzled by exhaustion. The future you will be so grateful, sitting there in your fuzzy slippers.

LITZI has something for everyone. Treats to spoil your Badass friends. Gifts to remind your nurturing peeps to remember themselves. Sparkly goodies for the powerhouses in your life. Not to mention unique and deeply personal ideas for your parents and loved ones who simply don’t check just one box.

Nothing says I love you more than personal pieces like jewellery. It’s why we do what we do. 

Happy shopping!




She is a rebel and she isn’t afraid to break the rules to get what she wants. Tell her that you are thinking of her with these cheeky gifts.


She takes care of everyone else and deserves that little token of appreciation, not to mention that daily cue to take care of herself. Remind her of the one that matters most with these thoughtful nuggets.


She is always the center of attention and you like it that way, because when the sun shines, we shine together. You always love basking in the heat of her sun. Give her the sparkly treat worthy of the queen she is.


Add your art to a dog tag for dad, or turn their name into a LITZI script necklace…or create what you are dreaming of for them. Email me if you have some wild ideas!



Please remember that personalized pieces take 2-3 weeks to make and gold vermeil pieces often take an extra week. We are all at the mercy of the busy post offices, so if you are shipping internationally, please take appropriate shipping guidelines into consideration. In some cases, you need to be an early bird, so get your worms now!

Celebrate Your Starting Five 🏀


Did you see the episode of Sex and the City when Stanford tells Carrie that he has three therapists? “One for when I want to be coddled, one for when I want tough love, and one for when I WANT TO LOOK AT A BEAUTIFUL MAN.” LOL.

It’s a bit like that with friends and advice, don’t you think? When I want someone to give it to me straight, I’ll call my friend who will tell me what I need to hear and not what I want to hear. I know who to call depending on how I’m feeling and what I need. I have different friends for different parts of myself. I don’t expect one person to fulfill all of my emotional needs. They are people, not chocolate.

It got me thinking about how my friends are like my team that I’ve built over the course of my entire life. My starting five. For me, my starting five are my core inner circle. All my friends are essential, but I do have those friends that I know will step up no matter what. Just like when I was a part of many basketball teams. You choose the starting five based on what you’re up against. Your opponent can shoot the lights out? Then we put our best defenders on them. Small and fast? Our guards will step up.

I think that in life we are our own team manager and that means we get to choose our team, and that team is everything.

This recent weekend, my sister, my mom and I celebrated my sister’s 50th birthday and our mother’s 75th birthday. It was wonderful. We ate good food. We did face masks and wore Happy Birthday tiaras! We painted and went for a long hike. We laughed and we felt amazing in the company of women. Our women. Our family is our OT - Original Team - and then as we go along, we meet our chosen team.

We hope you celebrate your team with our Ride or Die pendant, and the Lucky Bitch that you are as you mark anniversaries of love, friendship, birthdays, breakups, engagements, graduations and all the feels with your whole team. The team that makes up all the facets of your heart.

Join us on social to tag your #RideorDies. We’d love to hear your friendship stories!

We filmed this video while we were celebrating


Keep your LITZI love coming!! Your thoughts on our products mean so much. We read every single one. Your happiness gives us motivation.


How are you keeping things cozy? Burning incense or sage? Lighting your favorite candle? 

Our trays and coasters add a cheeky and chic moment to any room. Stack them with all your treasures. 

I’m Thelma. You’re Louise. Let’s Ride Bitches.

When Does a Friend Become Your Ride or Die?

We’ve all seen Thelma and Louise (and if you haven’t, you must. Immediately). We know what Ride or Die means, but what I’ve been wondering is — when does someone rise from a friend to the elite status of Ride or Die? Is there a moment when we decide to go there, or does it just happen? Was it fated?

It seems that when the shit hits the fan, when everything comes crumbling down; it’s the ones who step up for you that are your Ride or Die(s). How it happens, or why it happens is a bit of a mystery — it depends on so many factors. How are they doing? Do they have the strength to offer you support? Is it a timing thing? Is it that you are both in the same situation? Or is it magic…being someone’s light in dark times? Life may throw disasters our way, but if we are lucky, there is a net of the sisterhood, the brotherhood, the hearts that show up for us when we need it most.

✨ The NEW Ride or Die Pendant ✨

Maybe there is no formula, but we know it when we see it. That moment when we find strength in shared vulnerability. It cuts through the noise; the bullshit and we sit in deep truth together. It’s a gift every time. It’s also something that requires the right balance of give and take. Of being there unconditionally, through the good, the bad and the ugly.


Once you have your answers, we hope our ✨NEW✨ horseshoe shaped Ride or Die pendant will adorn their neck soon. Because if you have even one person who checks off all these boxes, you are one Lucky Bitch..

Join us on Instagram to tag your #RideorDie. We’d love to hear your friendship stories!


Keep your LITZI love coming!! Your feedback is everything.


Nothing says I love you more than a unique and deeply personal statement necklace, signet ring or bracelet. 

NEW! 🚨 Cheeky and O - So Charming!


When I sat down to sketch the Lucky Bitch ring, my original intention was to create a four-leaf clover. What emerged was something else entirely. Something unexpected and personal. Words from my childhood became a saucy signet ring. Seeing it come to life on the page made me giggle. It felt cheeky and right, so I went with it. Launching the Lucky Bitch ring has been so exciting. Jenny Mollen, Liz Plank, um …and my husband believe it or not, are fans!!!  So many of you from around the world have embraced it – so much so – I’d say it was the rockstar of the summer! It fills me with joy to see so many of you resonate with this playful message of gratitude and being present. This ring reminds me every day to take a moment to appreciate all that I have.

I am thrilled to announce that your excitement has spurred me to turn this ring into a lucky charm you can now wear around your neck and closer to your heart. Add it to your neck-mess, or wear it on its own. Gift a friend without needing to figure out her (or his) ring size! Send them a cheeky message to proclaim that you are a Lucky Bitch for knowing them, and vice-versa! 😉

However you wear it, gift it, stack it – on your necklace, bracelet or anklet – you can buy it on its own - or with a chain!


Looking for something personal for the hard to shop for people in your life? Why not add your personal art to a silver dog tag for a tattoo vibe without the commitment? Email me for details!


Keep your LITZI pics coming!!

Twinsies! The Tennis BraceletThe Goldie LOVE Bracelet with matching Paperclip Bracelets (coming soon!)

The beautiful Angelique wearing The Moissanite Ear Cuff

The Other F Words ✨🐆


LITZI was founded on fierce feminine friendship, designing jewellery to celebrate those that stand beside us. Those that lift us up. Those we show up for. The women who believe that we deserve to shine – to reach for our personal best. We are living in a moment where women are lifting up the potential first Black female president of the United States. And have you been watching the Olympics??!


The two leopards in The Leo ring lean on each other because that’s where we get our strength.

This is OUR time. Take it. It’s a femininomenon. Don’t apologize for your ferocious ambition and surround yourself with the women that you can lean on. A group of leopards is called a leap. Let this ring symbolize our leap to our next level. Let’s all go for gold together!


Liz Plank with The Empathy necklace - via @feministabulous

Jo Alcorn wearing The Heart necklace - via @jo_alcorn

The Sweetest Gifts 🍬


One of the sweetest gifts of running LITZI has been receiving your letters. Creating personalized jewellery is our life blood, our “Carrie necklace”, our “Levi 501’s”. As I was thinking about what to write today, I couldn’t help but notice all the notes, letters and heartfelt texts you have sent us over the years. I’m so grateful for our connection. 

As Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players'. I can’t help but see the link between our LITZI script font and the life you are scripting, one day at a time. I also can’t help but focus on all the players you have told us about. Father’s, husbands, friends, babies, parents, grandparents and pets. The beautiful cycle of life and all the people (and fur people!) that touch you the most. Isn’t that why we are all here – for connection?

A precious baby is born. Your beautiful niece graduates. Your triumphant friend becomes a dentist after years of toughing it out at dentistry school. You tragically lose a parent or a grandparent. There is no greater honour than being asked to create a piece of jewellery that will commemorate your beloved’s brilliant life or celebrate that special person’s wins.

We have no greater hope than to continue to be a part of your stories; your personal scripts.

You are certainly the deepest part of ours, and we are so grateful.


Commemorate and celebrate your special people with our NEW LITZI script bracelets!


In July I got to celebrate my friend Cassandra’s first year of owning her sleek Montreal hair salon with a LITZI pop-up! The event was so chic and fun! Check out Teck Studio for all your LITZI essentials! 


Seeing our jewellery on you is the best! Keep sharing your pictures please! 

Minimal Chic, Maximum Cheek 😉


Our fuck it trays are your faves. They sell out over and over. You have asked for more colours and more sizes. We heard you! And…drum roll…while we were at it, we designed more acrylic goodies to cheek-ify your home! 

We are thrilled to introduce our fuck it tray in black and white. Plus our new larger size lucky bitch tray.

These modern, sleek and sexy trays look stunning and add that subtle wink upon closer inspection. Curate your jewellery or stationery, candles or keys, with these stunning, streamlined designs. Our trays punctuate your abode with minimal chic and maximum cheek.


Our black heart-shaped acrylic coasters will make everyone smirk. The set of thirstylucky bitchbadass and lover coasters are an unforgettable gift for someone you want to make smile, including yourself. 

These unique coasters are made to keep your table tops safe from cocktails and coffee stains, while you entertain the lucky bitches in your life.