You’re One Lucky B!tch! 🍀


I can still hear the laughter. “OOOOOO – she’s a lucky bitch!” my cousin would joke to us when she heard about a friend going on a sunny vacation. We’d all giggle. Her thick Irish accent is fresh in my mind.

Growing up in Ireland in the 80’s holds very specific memories. Potatoes, meat, beans and Chef sauce. Soaring through the air on my dad’s shoulders at the St. Paddy’s Day parade. My mom in shoulder pads and a fresh blow out. Horses in the streets.

My dad would not allow me or my two siblings to swear. I couldn’t even say fart. “Nope! That’s apple TART!” he’d remind us! How funny that now I design FUCK rings. A love note to the rules of my childhood perhaps?!

As we were planning out the year, I wanted to do something special for St. Paddy’s Day. Maybe a four leaf clover? But when I sat down to sketch, something else emerged. My cousin’s words. Our laughter. That bold cheekiness of the rebellious girl we all are at 17. On the edge of adolescence with all the promise of adulthood lingering like a carrot in front of us. Enjoying the moment but always racing towards the future.

I found myself designing a ring with the words LUCKY BITCH engraved like an anthem on a horseshoe. Exploding LITZI hearts on either side. Lucky LITZI stars punctuating a line that’s made me laugh so many times. Thoughts of sending love out to the universe like a boomerang, maybe it will come back to me. A love letter in a bottle sent out to sea. Throw it out there and it will come back to me.

A gratitude ring to remind me, for all the forging ahead into the future, embrace now. Look around you at the juicy center of the present and all the fruits of paradise around me. My loved ones. My friends. Rocky (I have a dog!) So much gratitude. Right here. Right now.

A ring for when I sit with a fresh cup of coffee in my hand, I can look at it and be reminded. Keep racing, but first: Look at all these miracles. We are so lucky! Sorry about the swearing Da, but I’m an adult now! LOL.



Watch how the Lucky Bitch came to life!